Another Year Older

plannedparenthood64Hillary ClintonPlanned Parenthood celebrated its 99th birthday yesterday.  While they were celebrating, they were killing babies at a clip of 1 every 90 seconds. They tweeted “Planned Parenthood turns 99 today – a history rich in milestones in the fight for global . .” My tweet to Planned Parenthood:  “Hoping you never see 100.” There is no logical reason to celebrate the birthday of an organization that kills over 300,000 children every year. Hillary Clinton tweeted “Planned Parenthood opened their first health center and changed life for women in America. Here’s to the next 99 years.”  My tweet to Hillary: “They changed/ended the lives of millions of innocent children. You’re a moron.”

As a pro-life blogger I subscribe to keeping your friends close and your enemies closer, so I follow low-life organizations like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and NAF on Twitter.  I also follow their friends, like Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi.  You can learn a lot about a person or an organization by reading what they post for public consumption.  Planned Parenthood and their cronies are unashamed in their praise for abortion and their disdain for those of us who want to shut them down.  They refer to killing unborn children as a mother’s right, and they call people like me anti-choice.  To them, anti-choice sounds better than pro-life.

I find it ironic that the world’s largest abortion provider celebrates its birthday while denying the right to life, and the birthdays that come with it, to thousands of babies every week.  As Planned Parenthood enters its 100th year, they’re scared.  They know that there is a real possibility that the over $500 million they receive every year from the U.S. taxpayers may go away.  They know that without this money they won’t be able to line the pockets of the pro-abortion politicians who fight to keep abortion legal in America.  They know that when killing babies for money is no longer legal, they’re out of business.

My hope is that Planned Parenthood never makes it to 100.  My hope is that the more than 300,000 children they plan to kill during their hundredth year are able to live long, happy, healthy lives.  I hope to celebrate what would have been their 100th birthday in a world where they no longer exist and abortion is only a painful memory of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man.  My hope is that the $500 million birthday gift Planned Parenthood has gotten used to getting from us every year is redirected to helping children instead of killing them.

As far as I’m concerned, 99 years is about 99 years too many for an organization like Planned Parenthood.  The meaningful birthdays are the ones their intended victims will be able to celebrate.  I plan to do everything in my power to make this year Planned Parenthood’s last.