Letter to John Kerry #2

Most of my work on this blog is focused on ending the practice of abortion. Occasionally, I veer off course to call out inept politicians, especially when they perform particularly egregious acts of stupidity. The following letter, written a year ago today, was one of those occasions. When I wrote this letter, John Kerry was in the middle of negotiations with the terrorist State of Iran on the now infamous Iran nuclear deal.
The whole world knows that Iran was cheating during negotiations and continues to cheat after the Obama administration gave them everything they wanted. Just today, Iran test launched two ballistic missiles. Inscribed on the side of both missiles was “Israel should be wiped from the pages of history.” In a couple days they’ll undoubtedly receive a strongly worded letter from the U.N. Good job Mr. Secretary!

Pro Life Pop Pop

U.S. Department of State

2201 C Street NW

Washington, D.C.  20520

Attn: Secretary of State John Kerry

 March 9, 2015

 Mr. Secretary:

Let’s begin by assessing your skills as a negotiator.  To date, the only successful negotiations you have ever been a party to consist of you talking 2 rich women into marrying you.  An admittedly impressive feat, but I would postulate that this skill-set does not necessarily translate into you being able to save the world from a nuclear holocaust.  The word on the streets is that the Iranians are handing you your ass on a daily basis as you negotiate a timetable for them to obtain nuclear weapons.  Yes, I said a timetable for them to obtain nuclear weapons.  You and the Obama administration are so desperate to cut any kind of deal with Iran; there is no longer any doubt that they will be able to develop…

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Letter to John Kerry #2

U.S. Department of State

2201 C Street NW

Washington, D.C.  20520

Attn: Secretary of State John Kerry

 March 9, 2015

 Mr. Secretary:

Let’s begin by assessing your skills as a negotiator.  To date, the only successful negotiations you have ever been a party to consist of you talking 2 rich women into marrying you.  An admittedly impressive feat, but I would postulate that this skill-set does not necessarily translate into you being able to save the world from a nuclear holocaust.  The word on the streets is that the Iranians are handing you your ass on a daily basis as you negotiate a timetable for them to obtain nuclear weapons.  Yes, I said a timetable for them to obtain nuclear weapons.  You and the Obama administration are so desperate to cut any kind of deal with Iran; there is no longer any doubt that they will be able to develop nuclear weapons.  The only question now is how soon.

Your first mistake in this doomed venture is negotiating with a rogue regime that’s the chief funding source for terrorism around the world.  Your second mistake is treating the Iranian government as honest brokers when they shout “Death to America” while clearly stating their goal of exterminating the State of Israel.  Your third mistake is drinking the Kool-Aid of an amateurish administration that is clearly over its head when it comes to managing foreign affairs; or frankly, managing anything more complicated than a golf outing.

Mr. Secretary, my primary focus in life is ending abortion and protecting children.  Trying to talk an inept administration out of stumbling into a nuclear pact with a Muslim extremist State, determined to kill hundreds of millions of people, necessarily dovetails into my mission.  We have no foundation of trust or any means to verify compliance by Iran with any deal you may broker.  You are dealing with a regime that has everything to gain and nothing to lose.  When one party in a negotiation is willing to promise anything as a means to its ends, with no intentions of honoring any of its promises, the party across the table losses, and loses badly.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice says we can’t make Iran unlearn what they know about producing nuclear weapons.  She’s right, so does that mean we just let them do it as long as they agree to tell us when they’ve finally produced them?   What is the upside to providing a path to nuclear weapons to a nation that no one trusts, and then watching as the rest of the Arab world develops their own nuclear weapons in order to defend themselves against an apocalyptic State awaiting the 12th Imam?

Mr. Secretary, a Middle East arms race instigated by a nation like Iran cannot be spun into a diplomatic victory for America or the world.  A nuclear Iran will endanger us all and must not be allowed to happen.  Walk away, impose crippling economic sanctions, and support regime change.  If none of the above works, give Israel the green light and watch how principled leaders defend their nations against clear and present dangers from lunatic regimes.

My letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

Letters to John Kerry #1

U.S. Department of State

2201 C Street NW

Washington, D.C.  20520

Attn:    Secretary of State John Kerry

September 5, 2013

Mr. Secretary:

On August 21, 2013 over 1,400 Syrian civilians, including over 400 children were killed in a chemical weapons attack by party or parties yet to be determined.  In response to this attack, the Obama administration, including you, are preparing to attack the Syrian military after giving them nearly 3 weeks advance notice of your intentions.  While you and President Obama wring your hands and posture for the cameras, the Assad regime is busy hiding assets and staging others in heavily populated areas in order to increase the death toll among innocent civilians as a result of any strike you may finally wage.  What is your end game and what outcome do you hope to achieve from the actions you propose?

On August 21, 2013 over 3,300 unborn children were killed in their mother’s wombs in America and not a word of protest was uttered by either you or President Obama.  Since August 21, 2013 nearly 53,000 unborn children have died in America’s abortion mills and still not a word of protest from you or anyone else in the Obama administration.

You claim that the proposed military action in Syria is necessary to protect America and her allies from the threat of attack by weapons of mass destruction while the death toll every day in America’s abortion mills is more than double the toll you are preparing to avenge.

Mr. Secretary, the actions you are proposing should not be about saving face or maintaining credibility, and should only be taken in the face of imminent threat to America and our allies.  The immediate and ongoing threat to America is the killing of 3,300 unborn children every day to the tune of 1.2 million a year.

Mr. Secretary, I’ve been writing to your boss for several months now, trying to get him to speak out for the pro-life movement.  So far, nothing.  I guess he’s been busy with all the golf, vacations, and celebrity concert nights at the White House.  Maybe you could have him commission a poll to see if it would hurt him politically if he were to speak out for America’s unborn children.

The civilian death toll in Syria as a result of any action we take will eclipse the number of deaths resulting from the chemical weapons attack.  Military action on our part that ends up killing innocent civilians will essentially be doing a brutal dictator’s job for him; so, once again, how does America benefit from this exercise of projecting a narcissistic President’s need to be seen as ‘strong’ to the world?

If your boss wants to look strong, tell him to fight to change the laws that allow our unborn babies to be killed.   If he wants to talk, he knows where to find me.  Tell him to follow the paper trail.

My letters to you will be published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  I’ll publish your replies with no editing on my part should you choose to do so.