Letter to Governor O’Malley #1: Reposted

Back in August of 2013 Martin O’Malley was still the Governor of my home State of Maryland.  My pro-life blog was just in its beginning stage and I was shocked to learn that my State was a haven for late-term abortions.   Before ruining the State of Maryland as its Governor, Martin O’Malley ruined the City of Baltimore as its Mayor.  Now he wants to be our President.  Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think America is ready for a President who imposed a tax on rain as the Governor of Maryland.

Martin O’Malley is a friend of the abortion industry, just like President Obama, and just like Hillary Clinton.  The last thing we need in the White House is another President who doesn’t have a problem with a million innocent children being killed every year in the greatest country on earth.  Martin O’Malley has a long history of far-left idiocy and utter incompetence.  He needs to fade into the political sunset and retire to a well deserved mediocrity.

I wrote the following letter to him on August 28, 2013 after Governor O’Malley had spearheaded a successful effort to ban the death penalty in the State of Maryland.  I felt it was appropriate to ask that the same accommodation be granted to my State’s unborn children.  I’m still waiting for his reply.



Governor Martin O’Malley

100 State Circle

Annapolis, Md.  21401-1925

August 28, 2013

Governor O’Malley:

I know you’re busy so I’ll get right to my point.  Since the death penalty has been repealed in Maryland, I propose that our state’s unborn children be given the same accommodation.  The Guttmacher Institute estimates that 34,290 abortions were performed in Maryland in 2008.  Incidentally, that’s the last year anything resembling reliable data was available and 2 years after the state stopped tracking abortions.  Since Maryland is one of the most abortion-friendly states in the country, I’m curious as to why the Md. Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene decided in September of 2006 that they would no longer track or report the number of abortions performed in our state.  I’m gonna go out on a limb and speculate that maybe they just didn’t want people like me to know how many innocent children are killed in Maryland’s abortion mills every year.

Governor, I think it’s safe to say that you and I probably don’t agree on much of anything.  We both know you’re toying with a run for the Presidency in 2016 so it’s a no-brainer that you don’t want to stir up the pro-abortion crowd and risk losing all the money they’ll be funneling to your campaign, so the chance of you seriously considering my proposal are just short of nil.  Think about it though.  Condemned criminals convicted of unspeakable crimes are under no threat of death in Maryland while unborn children are killed for a fee with virtually no restrictions, and little, if any, government oversight.

Speaking of government oversight, I recently wrote to both the Maryland Board of Physicians and the Md. Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene about a physician operating an unlicensed, cash only, abortion clinic in Bladensburg, Md. This doctor was operating the abortion clinic while on probation as a condition of a 2 year suspension of his medical license.  How about looking into this since the only communication I’ve received from the State of Md. is a 2 sentence letter from DHMH acknowledging that my complaint had been handed off to them from the Md. Board of Physicians.

Governor, as a pro-life conservative living in one of the most left leaning states in America, I’m used to incompetency in government and bureaucrats intruding into every aspect of my life.  I’m a big boy and I can deal with the bean- counters.  I refuse, however, to live in a state known as a haven for late-term abortionists without speaking out and drawing attention to the problem.  In future letters I’ll name names and ask for your help.

I’m publishing my letters to you on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  I’ll publish your replies too, should you take the time to do so.  Sir, I’m committed to ending abortion in America.  I invite you to help.







Letter to Governor O’Malley #3

Governor Martin O’Malley

100 State Circle

Annapolis, Md.  21401-1925

 July 1, 2014

Governor O’Malley:

 Since your days as Mayor of Baltimore you’ve been an embarrassment to those of us on the conservative side of the aisle in Maryland.  Never have I been less proud to be a citizen of Maryland than yesterday.  Upon learning that the Supreme Court had ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, in a landmark ruling on the side of life, you had the audacity to urge everyone to send Wendy Davis a campaign donation.   Governor, what does it say about our state when our Governor endorses the spokeswoman for late-term abortion in America?

In a recent letter to you I asked you to declare Maryland an abortion-free zone.  Since you never replied, and in light of your recent remarks, I think I can safely assume that you won’t be honoring my request.  Your extreme pro-abortion position will be part of your undoing in the 2016 Presidential campaign.  I’m predicting that Hillary won’t run.  That means you may have a shot at being the Democrat Party’s nominee.  You’ll get support from the far-left and you’ll lose in a landslide.

Sir, as the Governor of a safe haven for late-term abortionists, you preside over the killing of countless unborn children every day.  These children are countless because our state decided to stop counting them in 2006.  The worst of the worst set up shop in Maryland, kill children under the clueless noses of the Md. Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene, and rake in millions of dollars in tax-free income while plying their deadly trade.

Governor O’Malley, you’ve added 40 new taxes to law abiding Marylanders while abortion providers get a free ride.  You’ve even gone as far as taxing the rain in our state while turning a blind eye to unregulated abortion providers.  Governor, it will not end well for a society that allows its unborn children to be killed under cover of the law.  It will not end well for elected officials who climb to the top on the bodies of dead children.

Governor, an elected official like you wields enormous influence.  You have the power to save lives and to end the slaughter of innocent children.  Your words and actions will carry consequences long after you are no longer relevant.  Sir, at the end of your life will you be proud of the fact that you have promoted and enabled the killing of thousands of innocent children?  Will you breathe your last breath wishing you had made it easier to kill more, or changed course and worked to insure that every new life got its chance to make its mark on the world?

I’m publishing my letters to you on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  I’ll publish your replies too, should you take the time to do so.  Sir, I’m committed to ending abortion in my State and my country.  I invite you to help.


Letter to Governor O’Malley #2

Governor Martin O’Malley

100 State Circle

Annapolis, Md.  21401-1925

 May 30, 2014

 Governor O’Malley:

In our State of Maryland a pregnant mother can pay to have her unborn child killed right up to the moment of its birth.  Our State is known as a haven for late-term abortionists; the worst of the worst.  Maryland is currently run by one of the most far-left politicians in America.  Sir, that would be you.

I don’t care about your politics.  I don’t even care about your insatiable lust for more of my hard-earned money, with the 40 tax increases you’ve strapped me and my fellow citizens with since you took office.  What I do care about are the thousands of unborn children who die in my State’s abortion mills every year. I live in the small town of Salisbury, Md., on the side of the Chesapeake Bay that you only see if you happen to be going to Ocean City.  Planned Parenthood is killing babies 2 miles from my home in Salisbury and I don’t like it.

I’m determined to end abortion in America and in my State.  Towards that end, I’ve written to the Wicomico County Executive and the Wicomico County Council asking them to declare my County an abortion-free zone.  I’m now asking you to declare Maryland an abortion-free zone.  Sir, we both know that this letter will, in all probability, never be answered, but allow me to pose the following questions:  Since you support a woman’s Right to have her unborn child killed in Maryland, when do you believe life begins?  Do you believe that every human being is endowed with the Right to life?  If so, who are we to decide who lives and who dies?

Governor O’Malley, there comes a time in everyone’s life when they have to look deep inside and ask themselves what they feel so strongly about that they are willing to risk everything in order to achieve their goals.  I’m at that point in my life when it comes to ending the legal killing of our unborn children.  Sir, the most innocent and vulnerable among us can’t speak for themselves and have to depend entirely upon people of goodwill to insure that they are allowed to exercise their God-given Right to life.

Sir, protecting our children is more important than politics and more important than winning elections.   Declaring our State an abortion-free zone would be a bold statement from a card carrying liberal and would require courage that, quite frankly, I don’t think you possess.  Governor, prove me wrong.  Since you have Presidential aspirations, think about all the free publicity an ‘in the tank for abortion’, liberal Governor could get by reversing course and speaking out in support of the pro-life movement.   Sir, in the end there is no downside to standing up for our children.  Do the right thing and something remarkable will happen.

I’m publishing my letters to you on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  I’ll publish your replies too, should you take the time to do so.  Sir, I’m committed to ending abortion in my State and my country.  I invite you to help.

Letter to Governor O’Malley #1

Governor Martin O’Malley

100 State Circle

Annapolis, Md.  21401-1925

August 28, 2013

Governor O’Malley:

I know you’re busy so I’ll get right to my point.  Since the death penalty has been repealed in Maryland, I propose that our state’s unborn children be given the same accommodation.  The Guttmacher Institute estimates that 34,290 abortions were performed in Maryland in 2008.  Incidentally, that’s the last year anything resembling reliable data was available and 2 years after the state stopped tracking abortions.  Since Maryland is one of the most abortion-friendly states in the country, I’m curious as to why the Md. Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene decided in September of 2006 that they would no longer track or report the number of abortions performed in our state.  I’m gonna go out on a limb and speculate that maybe they just didn’t want people like me to know how many innocent children are killed in Maryland’s abortion mills every year.

Governor, I think it’s safe to say that you and I probably don’t agree on much of anything.  We both know you’re toying with a run for the Presidency in 2016 so it’s a no-brainer that you don’t want to stir up the pro-abortion crowd and risk losing all the money they’ll be funneling to your campaign, so the chance of you seriously considering my proposal are just short of nil.  Think about it though.  Condemned criminals convicted of unspeakable crimes are under no threat of death in Maryland while unborn children are killed for a fee with virtually no restrictions, and little, if any, government oversight.

Speaking of government oversight, I recently wrote to both the Maryland Board of Physicians and the Md. Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene about a physician operating an unlicensed, cash only, abortion clinic in Bladensburg, Md. This doctor was operating the abortion clinic while on probation as a condition of a 2 year suspension of his medical license.  How about looking into this since the only communication I’ve received from the State of Md. is a 2 sentence letter from DHMH acknowledging that my complaint had been handed off to them from the Md. Board of Physicians.

Governor, as a pro-life conservative living in one of the most left leaning states in America, I’m used to incompetency in government and bureaucrats intruding into every aspect of my life.  I’m a big boy and I can deal with the bean- counters.  I refuse, however, to live in a state known as a haven for late-term abortionists without speaking out and drawing attention to the problem.  In future letters I’ll name names and ask for your help.

I’m publishing my letters to you on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  I’ll publish your replies too, should you take the time to do so.  Sir, I’m committed to ending abortion in America.  I invite you to help.