
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that killing innocent children for money is wrong. You don’t have to be a bioethicist to know that taking the life of an innocent human being is wrong. Most of us know the difference between right and wrong but many of us lack the courage of conviction to defend those who are not able to defend themselves. Many of us wish we had the courage to stand up for innocent babies but most of us will leave that task to others.
You don’t have to be a super-hero to be courageous, you simply have to know what you are willing to risk everything for. I’ve reached the point in my life where I no longer care about money and possessions or being one of the cool kids. I know that speaking out in defense of life is the right thing to do and I’m willing to accept the consequences of my actions. That’s why I wrote the following piece on Courage last May.

Pro Life Pop Pop

Cour-age: the quality of being fearless or brave; valor; pluck.  I believe that the courage of one’s convictions is the true test of character.  How many who will read this have the courage to defend an innocent life, whatever the cost?  Too many of us choose to dwell in the past or rely on the future; ignoring the clear and present opportunity to save lives and to change the world.  With all due respect to Webster’s New World Dictionary, I disagree with their definition of courage. Courage, in my view, is doing what you know is right and of benefit to others in spite of your fear of failure, ridicule, or risk to your wellbeing.  It is taking a leap of faith and knowing that the cause you are willing to risk everything for is worth it.  It’s wanting nothing for your efforts other than the outcome you seek.


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Cour-age: the quality of being fearless or brave; valor; pluck.  I believe that the courage of one’s convictions is the true test of character.  How many who will read this have the courage to defend an innocent life, whatever the cost?  Too many of us choose to dwell in the past or rely on the future; ignoring the clear and present opportunity to save lives and to change the world.  With all due respect to Webster’s New World Dictionary, I disagree with their definition of courage. Courage, in my view, is doing what you know is right and of benefit to others in spite of your fear of failure, ridicule, or risk to your wellbeing.  It is taking a leap of faith and knowing that the cause you are willing to risk everything for is worth it.  It’s wanting nothing for your efforts other than the outcome you seek.

The unborn children I have dedicated the rest of my life to saving, deserve a chance to learn what courage is.  I chose to follow the courage of my convictions a long time ago when it came to saving children from the horror of abortion.  I don’t care if my friends and family disagree with my pro-life views.  I know that standing on the side of life is right and will continue to do so until my dying breath.  It doesn’t take courage to kill an unborn child and it doesn’t take courage to follow the crowd when it comes to turning a blind eye to abortion.  Ask yourself if the more than 1 million children who will die at the hands of America’s abortion industry this year would prefer that you have the courage to save them or the complacency to ignore their plight.

As human beings, we are morally obligated to defend the defenseless.  We have a sacred duty to protect the children of the world and to end the selective killing of them.   We must have the courage to defend all human life from conception to natural death.  Every child that we allow to be killed by a bloodthirsty abortion industry is one more lost chance to be courageous on the side of life.  A collective lack of courage got our nation to the point where we have killed over 60 million unborn children since 1973.  We can’t undo what is already done but we can end the killing tomorrow if enough of us are willing to do what we know in our hearts is the right thing to do.

I’m under no delusion that I can end abortion by myself.  I won’t give up and I freely admit that I need help. All are welcome to help and all you need is a little courage.