One Year Later

Last September ISIS was brutalizing the Middle East and thousands of unborn children were being killed every day in the country I love.  Fast forward 1 year, and nothing much has changed.  The worst President in our country’s history is still inept and still clueless.  When I wrote the following letter to President Obama a little over a year ago, I was frustrated with the lack of leadership and moral clarity coming from the Oval Office.  A year later, my frustration continues to grow.

The terrorists of the world can see the weakness America is projecting, and they’re emboldened by it.  As human beings, we are honor bound to protect innocent lives whether they are in the path of terrorists or resting comfortably in their mothers’ wombs.

Since the President didn’t answer this letter the first time around, I figured I had nothing to lose by taking another shot at it.  The following letter, written on Sept. 3rd of last year, states my case for fighting terrorism and saving babies.  I await the President’s reply.


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Attn:    President Barack Obama

September 3, 2014

Mr. President:

Shortly after 9/11 your good friend and mentor Jeremiah Wright said “America’s chickens have come home to roost.”  The culture of death in America’s abortion mills and the rise of fanatical terrorist organizations throughout the world is the Universe telling us to change our ways.  Statements from a racist hate-monger like Jeremiah Wright mean nothing.  Human suffering and death at the hands of murderous organizations like Planned Parenthood and ISIS are real and present dangers to our way of life and must be dealt with now; not kicked down the road for future generations to deal with.

Statements from you that an organization like ISIS can be reduced to a manageable threat level shows that you truly are an amateur.  Mr. President, the civilized world cannot co-exist with evil; it must eliminate evil.  How do we end the practice of killing our unborn children for money or stop Islamic thugs from murdering thousands of innocent people if we don’t even have the courage to call evil out by name?  Your administration refuses to call ISIS an Islamic terrorist organization even though they use the word Islamic in their name.  You call the elective killing of an unborn child abortion, pregnancy termination, and a woman’s right to choose.  You lack the courage to call Islamic goons what they are and turn your head as over a million unborn children are murdered in the womb every year in America, and wonder why our chickens have come home to roost.

Mr. President, your ineptitude and contemptuous disregard for moral clarity have placed the world and your country in danger.  You allow thousands of innocent American children to be killed every day, but you’re reluctant to take the fight to a gang of blood-thirsty terrorists.  Sir, if any of your advisors have a shred of honesty in them they will tell you that you are projecting an image of weakness to the world.  Like it or not, we are in a war with Islamic terrorists.  You have 2 choices; win the war or do nothing and allow the world to descend into anarchy.  This is no time for the leader of the free world to become a linguini-spined, blubbering dunce.  Get with the program and start doing what you swore an oath to do.

Mr. President, this is a seminal moment for America.  We have a unique opportunity to show the world the true meaning of courage and commitment.  We can end the killing of our unborn children and show the world how we respect the Right of every unborn child to be born and to make the most of the gift of life they have been given.  We can show the world that we have the moral courage to fight those who would take innocent lives in the name of an insane ideology and to eliminate evil from the face of the earth.

cc:  Planned Parenthood



One Year Later

One year ago today I began my fight for the lives of our unborn children.  Naturally, my first letter was to President Obama.  When I first started this fight I actually planned to write one letter a day to the President for a whole year.  A couple months into it I began to think about all his friends in America’s abortion industry and decided to take the fight to them as well.  Today, after one short year, I can proudly say I’ve probably pissed off just about everyone who has a hand in the killing of innocent children in America.

The fire inside me burns hotter every day and my resolve grows stronger every hour to never give up and to leave it all on the field for the unlimited potential that lives in every unborn child.  My one year anniversary is not a cause for celebration but an incentive to finish the job before my second anniversary.  I see every day that I have to write another letter as one more day that I failed the unborn children of America.  I don’t like to lose and will never concede in a fight that claims 3,500 new victims every day.

I wrote the following letter to President Obama on May 12, 2013.  I’m committed to not having to republish it next year.



The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Attn:    President Barack Obama

 May 12, 2013


Mr. President:

I am the proud grandfather of 2 grandsons.  My first grandson, who also happens to be my best friend in the world, is 2 years old and the joy of my life.  My second grandson currently resides in my daughter’s tummy and is well past the halfway point in his development towards our first face to face meeting and embrace in September.

Mr. President, in my eyes and I’m sure in the eyes of our Creator, my yet unnamed second grandson is just as much alive and human as my 2 year old grandson, and has been so since the moment of his conception.

Sir, please explain to me why you think it should be legal, and more importantly, moral to slaughter our unborn children in America’s abortion mills, all while America’s taxpayers are forced to fund the world’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, to the tune of over $500 million a year.

As I watch my grandson jump up and down on his bed while counting “one, do, free, full”, the look of sheer joy on his face reminds me that millions of innocent children will never feel that joy because the greatest nation on earth sanctions the murder of its unborn.

Mr. President, after the Sandy Hook tragedy you made the statement that if your gun control agenda saved even 1 child’s life, it would be worth it. Sir, if you meant what you said about saving the lives of children, defund Planned Parenthood and support the repeal of Roe v. Wade and save hundreds of thousands of children each year.

Every new life represents unlimited human potential and every new life that ends at the hands of an abortionist diminishes us all.

Mr. President, do the right thing and support life in all its miraculous stages from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

I anxiously await the forthcoming auto-signed reply from your low level staff person with your pre-ordained talking points for letters such as mine.

PS: I would be most appreciative if you would be so kind as to have your people advise me when I can expect to be audited.