Letter to NARAL #5

The fact that NARAL President, Ilyse Hogue, is in the running for Chairman of the DNC should tell you everything you need to know about the direction the Democrat Party wants to take America in. NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, is a despicable organization whose sole purpose is to make it easier for a woman to have her unborn child killed.
In May of 2014 I wrote the following letter to Ms. Hogue, after receiving a letter from her in which she called me an “anti-choice zealot.” I’m proud to be labeled an “anti-choice zealot” by an organization that encourages a woman to choose to kill her child.
In a way, I hope Ms. Hogue gets the job. The recent election drove the first nail in Planned Parenthood’s coffin. Having a co-conspirator of America’s abortion industry as the head of the Democrat Party will finish the job for us.

Pro Life Pop Pop

NARAL Pro-Choice America

1156 15th Street

Suite 700

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Ilyse Hogue

May 3, 2014

 Ms. Hogue:

I continue to be amazed and dismayed by the steps NARAL and other pro-abortion organizations will go to in order to promote the killing of unborn children.  Misinformation, outright lies, and distortion of the facts are all you have to work with in your quest to justify the unjustifiable.  Your latest effort; pressuring Google to remove ads for Crisis Pregnancy Centers from its sites.  Crisis Pregnancy Centers provide counseling, medical care, and alternatives to abortion for pregnant women.  You oppose these Centers for one reason only; money.  You know that every mother they convince to allow their baby to be born is one less baby the killers you support will get to kill; for a fee, of course.

In your recent letter to me you referred to people like me…

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Letter to NARAL #7

NARAL Pro-Choice America

1156 15th Street

Suite 700

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Elyse Hogue

 June 27, 2014

Ms. Hogue:

It appears that NARAL and all its friends in the pro-abortion camp are really wound up over the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Massachusetts law that provided a 35 foot buffer zone around abortion clinics.  What’s not to be upset about?  Now, a woman walking to an abortion clinic to have her child killed may have to walk by someone asking her to reconsider her decision to kill an innocent human being.

Ms. Hogue, while you insist that buffer zones would prevent violence outside abortion clinics, you fail to mention the violence that occurs inside.  The handful of violent incidents outside abortion clinics since 1973 pales in comparison to the 56 million murders that have taken place inside during the interim.

The 35 foot buffer zone that you claim to be so fond of was nothing more than a means for you to try to validate a practice that is an affront to humanity.  By placing a so-called protective buffer between someone trying to kill a child and those feeling a moral obligation to protect children you claim protected status for baby killers.  A chalk line 35 feet from an abortion clinic door is nothing more than another gimmick in the abortion industry’s bag of tricks; a bag of tricks designed to focus attention away from the fact that thousands of tiny human beings are being killed every day on the other side of the line.

Ms. Hogue, the following statement, in your own words, sums up the hubris and hypocrisy of America’s industry of death and parasitic leeches like NARAL: “While the Supreme Court acknowledged that these laws play an important role in protecting women and doctors, the Justices made it more difficult for states to protect their citizens. Let’s be clear: today’s decision puts women and health care providers at greater risk. We will work to make sure that legislatures in states are focused on making clinics safe for women, free of harassment, intimidation, and violent acts.”

You say the buffer laws protect women and doctors.  Never once do you mention the innocent children who die every day from the violent acts you say that abortion clinics should be protected from.   Ms. Hogue, why do you label pro-lifers like me as anti-choice?  Me and my friends in the pro-life community have no problem with choice.  Our issue is with the killing of innocent children.

The Supreme Court enabled this mess we’re in when Roe v Wade became the law of the land.  It’s about time they started unraveling the web of death they sanctioned over 41 years ago.  And it’s about time organizations like NARAL started calling murder something other than choice.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.



Letter to NARAL #6

NARAL Pro-Choice America

1156 15th Street

Suite 700

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Elyse Hogue

 June 23, 2014

Ms. Hogue:

In my previous letters to you I touched on my dismay that an organization such as yours can even exist in the greatest country on earth.  Unfortunately, the freedoms we all enjoy as Americans must also make way for scum-sucking bottom feeders like NARAL, whose sole mission in life is to make it easier to have your unborn child killed at any point in its life, from the moment of conception to the moment of its birth.

Ms. Hogue, the assembly-line of death the National Abortion Rights Action League cheerleads for will kill over a million children this year.  By that standard of measure, your efforts are a success.  By any standard of morality and basic human Rights, the practices you advocate represent a human tragedy of epic proportions.

In spite of your best efforts to package your mission as the protector of women’s rights, your fundamental premise is flawed.  No human being has the Right to choose to have another human being killed.  Notwithstanding the obvious failings of our legislative and judicial branches of government, the moral clarity of every life being equally as valuable as any other is unquestionable.

In your paper titled The Safety of Legal Abortion and the Hazards of Illegal Abortion, you make the following absurd statement:  The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences declared in its first major study of abortion in 1975 that “legislation and practices that permit women to obtain abortions in proper medical surroundings will lead to fewer deaths and a lower rate of medical complications than [will] restrictive legislation and practices.”  What the study failed to mention was that the “fewer deaths” it referred to were fewer deaths of mothers.  The “proper abortions” they referred to result in the death of a human being every time.

Your side is not able to make any rational argument for the elective killing of unborn children so you come up with creative semantics like abortion care and safe abortion while calling my side anti-choice.  We’re not anti-choice.  We’re anti-killing innocent children.

Ms. Hogue, tact has never been one of my strong points and I would never consider exercising it for you or an organization like NARAL.  You’ve squandered the gift of life you have been given in your pursuit of fame and as an advocate for the leading cause of human death in the world.  Your progressive ideology and track record with Media Matters and MoveOn.Org make you the poster child for what is wrong with America.  You and your organization provide support to a no-consequences society where an unintended pregnancy all too often ends with the killing of an innocent child.

My life’s mission is to close the doors of all the abortion mills in America and in doing so close the doors of parasitic organizations like NARAL.   I’ll be in touch.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

Letter to NARAL #5

NARAL Pro-Choice America

1156 15th Street

Suite 700

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Ilyse Hogue

May 3, 2014

 Ms. Hogue:

I continue to be amazed and dismayed by the steps NARAL and other pro-abortion organizations will go to in order to promote the killing of unborn children.  Misinformation, outright lies, and distortion of the facts are all you have to work with in your quest to justify the unjustifiable.  Your latest effort; pressuring Google to remove ads for Crisis Pregnancy Centers from its sites.  Crisis Pregnancy Centers provide counseling, medical care, and alternatives to abortion for pregnant women.  You oppose these Centers for one reason only; money.  You know that every mother they convince to allow their baby to be born is one less baby the killers you support will get to kill; for a fee, of course.

In your recent letter to me you referred to people like me as ‘anti-choice zealots.’  I think we both know that every time you use the phrase ‘anti-choice’, what you really mean is pro-life or ‘anti-killing innocent children.’  I may be a zealot, but at least I have the intellectual honesty to say what I believe without having to use code words like reproductive freedom and a woman’s right to choose.  I also refer to the killing of a baby as the killing of a baby, not a choice.

Ms. Hogue, I stand behind my beliefs, and in the end I’m prepared to accept whatever judgment may come my way as a result of what I believe and promote.  Can you honestly say the same?  Ms. Hogue, what is abortion care?  While I make no claim to being particularly intelligent, I’m having a hard time understanding how care can be associated with the act of killing an innocent child.  None of the 3,500 unborn children killed yesterday received care, unless your definition of care is a sudden, violent death.

I just returned from lunch and drove through the parking lot of my local Planned Parenthood clinic on my way home.  Thankfully, they’re closed today.  They won’t be prescribing death to my grandsons’ future friends again until Monday.  Ms. Hogue, the struggle between the pro-life movement and the abortion industry all boils down to a numbers game.  Your side sees every dead child as one more number on a ledger sheet and one more deposit of blood money to your account.  My side sees every unborn child as a priceless gift to humanity, a priceless gift worth fighting for; whatever the cost.

Ms. Hogue, on your website and in your letters and promotional literature you fail to acknowledge, even once, that the ‘choices’ you advocate for a woman’s right to make, represent the killing of tiny, living human beings.   You fail to acknowledge, even once, that abortion results in the death of a human being every time one is performed.  Your modus operandi of avoiding the truth about what you do will be your ultimate undoing.  I anxiously await that day.




Letter to NARAL #4

NARAL Pro-Choice America

1156 15th Street

Suite 700

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Elyse Hogue

October 10, 2013

Ms. Hogue:

I’m just checking in to let you know that while I wait for you to respond to my letters I am still dumbfounded that an organization such as yours, who openly advocates for the right to have unborn children killed on demand, is allowed to operate in America.  I always thought the country I grew up in, and voluntarily placed myself in harm’s way for while serving in its military, placed the right to life for everyone including its unborn children, as its most important freedom.  I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that the country I love would elect an ‘American Idol’ President with absolutely no executive experience or qualifications for the job.  And I never would have dreamed that an American President could be as radically pro-abortion as the floppy-eared dunce currently occupying the White House.

At my age I’ve seen a lot and I’ve also decided that it’s time to take a stand for life.  That means NARAL and Planned Parenthood need to close their doors today.  You may think I’m being naïve by making such a demand, but I’m not.  I know in my heart, without a doubt, that mountains can be moved by sheer intention, as long as the intender is absolutely unwavering in his faith that the end result will come to pass.  I can see the end of abortion and I can see the padlocked doors of NARAL and Planned Parenthood.  You will see them soon.

While we’re waiting for you to close, how about explaining why your organization had to coach Newark, N.J. Mayor Cory Booker so he could give the answers you needed on your endorsement questionnaire.  Apparently, for him to get NARAL’s endorsement for his run for the Senate seat in New Jersey, and all the blood money that comes with it, he really has to jump through some hoops. He’s already in favor of partial-birth abortion, virtually no restrictions on abortion for any reason, and against requirements for parental notification for minors seeking abortions. What else do you need from the guy?  To be any more in your camp he would have to be performing the abortions himself.  Actually, Cory Booker wants so badly to be considered relevant, he would probably take a stab at being an abortionist if he thought it would help him get elected.

Ms. Hogue, what do you have against children?  Granted, they burp, fart, and occasionally puke, but I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate that you do as well.  They also have a tendency to get whiney and poop in their pants; something that I would guess you will be doing when you finally realize that NARAL has worn out its welcome in America.

Get a real job and leave our kids alone.  And get some help for that farting, burping, and intestinal growling.  It’s really unbecoming of an unemployed baby killer.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

Letter to NARAL #3

NARAL Pro-Choice America

1156 15th Street

Suite 700

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Ilyse Hogue

September 16, 2013

Ms. Hogue:

Every time I visit your website I’m stunned by the distortion and lies you continue to spread about abortion.  Your references to safe abortion are absurd to the nth degree.  No logical argument can be made for calling a procedure designed specifically to kill a human being safe.  Your assertion that abortion is a right is equally absurd.  While abortion is legal in many cases, it is not a right.  Just so you know, rights cannot be conferred by law; they can only be protected by it.  No woman has ever been born or ever will be born with the right to kill her unborn child.  Rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are a package deal and are endowed upon each of us by our Creator at the very instant He grants us His animating spark of life; starting each of us on our individually unique journeys.

Ms. Hogue, my pro-life philosophy stems from my role as a father and grandfather.  Just before I composed this letter I fed my 5 week old grandson.  He was due to be born on the 14th but made his initial appearance 5 weeks early.  As I watch him sleep I can’t imagine life without him and still can’t believe that, as I fed him, the abortion industry you promote was killing his future friends and playmates at a rate of 1 every 26 seconds.  1 out of 3 of his future friends will be killed before they are born.

Ms Hogue, you advocate a pro-choice position on abortion.  You and I both know that pro-choice is the same as pro-abortion; all that’s lacking is the courage to say what you really believe.  I have the courage to say what I believe.  I believe that every unborn child, without exception, has the right to be born and is endowed with the same right to life as you and I.  While I’m saying what I believe; I also believe it is the epitome of hypocrisy for anyone who was allowed to be born to take a stand against allowing any other human being the same accommodation.

Despite what you profess, your cause is all about money and power.  If the abortion industry truly believes in what it does they should kill babies for free.  If you truly believe in your mission to protect what you advocate to be a woman’s right to have her child killed, you should stop accepting a salary for your services.

Ms. Hogue, after every visit to your website I feel that I’ve been in the presence of pure evil.  Your organization’s dedication to insuring that millions of innocent children can be killed as a simple matter of choice is a staggering display of utter disregard for the most basic of human rights; the right to life.  In spite of everything your organization has done and everything that it stands for, I believe in redemption.  Change your mission statement and work to protect our unborn children.  It’s never too late to do what you know in your heart is right.

My letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Should you choose to reply, I’ll publish it, unedited.

Letter to NARAL #2

NARAL Pro-Choice America

1156 15th Street

Suite 700

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Ilyse Hogue

August 31, 2013

Ms. Hogue:

The innocence of a child is lost forever when its mother exercises her choice to have it killed before it has a chance to be born.  Innocent children are gifts to the world; gifts that are here to remind us to enjoy the simple pleasures, to show us how to live without hate in our hearts, to live every day like it’s our last, and to see anger as the waste of time and effort that it is.

Ms. Hogue, my 2 year old grandson went to the circus a couple days ago and afterwards advised me that his favorite new colors were elephant and pony.  I realize that to someone like you, who actively works to make it easier and more convenient for a mother to kill her unborn child, this may sound like gibber jabber.  To me, his Pop Pop who loves him more than life itself, it was a brilliant insight from the mindset of pure innocence as he described the latest new discoveries in his young life.

Ms. Hogue, I’m a student of semantics and BS, and after reviewing your mission and website it’s clear that your organization is proficient in twisting the former to sell the unsellable and piling on the latter to make it appear that you have anything that vaguely resembles a cogent, logical argument for your cause.  Try as you may, selling pro-choice as anything other than advocating for the elective killing of unborn children is a venture doomed to failure.  Your amateurish abuse of syntax and clever abbreviations while trying to portray your cause as a noble pursuit is about as flawed as Hillary Clinton making another run for the Presidency with a bumper sticker saying ‘Monica Lewinsky’s Ex-Boyfriend’s Wife For President.’

Ms. Hogue, let’s be honest.  Doesn’t NARAL sound so much better than National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League? While we’re being honest, don’t you think the very least you could do is lose the abbreviations and say who you are and what you stand for in your organization’s name?  My blog is www.prolifepoppop.com; no ambiguities, no misdirection; I am who I am.

Thousands of unborn children will die today in America’s abortion mills and NARAL will be fighting to make it easier to kill even more.  While your side is fighting against life my side will be fighting for it.  America has some monumental choices to make.  We can continue to kill over a million of our unborn children every year and seal our fate as a failed experiment that was based on the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as our foundation; or we can end the slaughter and welcome the unlimited human potential that is lost every time a confused young woman walks into one of America’s abortion mills.

Ms. Hogue, I welcome your reply in defense of your organization and will publish your rebuttals to my assertions with no editing on my part.

Letter to NARAL #1

NARAL Pro-Choice America

1156 15th Street

Suite 700

Washington, D.C.  20005


Attn:    Ilyse Hogue



August 23, 2013

Ms. Hogue:



I have a low tolerance for intellectual dishonesty.  When it comes to abortion you’re either pro-life or pro-abortion.  There is no middle ground between life and death.  You’re either alive or dead.  Saying you’re pro-choice means that you’re in favor of abortion but lack the courage or intellectual honesty to state the obvious.  Therein lies the false premise of the very name of your organization.


Your website posits the query; what is choice?  Choice, in the context of abortion, means choosing whether another living human being should be allowed to live or die.  Under the abortion tab on your website you state the following: “We believe that women should have option to choose abortion.”  Aside from the obvious grammatical error in this statement, the hypocrisy is mind-numbing.  Why should a woman have the option to arbitrarily have a separate, unique, living human being that temporarily resides in her body killed? The hypocrisy; every mother that elects to have her baby killed was allowed to be born herself.


Unlike you, I believe that life begins at conception.  I believe that every new life is a child of God, just like you, me, and every other human being in the world.  An unborn child is just as alive and deserving of life as you, me, and every other human being.  Killing an innocent child at any stage of its life is wrong and contrary to any moral or ethical standard of any civilized society.


Ms. Hogue, at what point in a child’s development should a mother not be allowed to choose to have it killed?  As I write this I have 2 grandsons; 1 at 2 ½ years old and 1 at 13 days old.  Just like an unborn child, they still depend on their mother to stay alive.  My daughter could have chosen to have either of my grandsons killed before they were born, while they depended on her to support their lives.  Should she choose to neglect her children for just a few days, neither could survive now.   What I’m saying is that I fail to see the distinction between killing your child before it is born or after.  In my eyes you’re still killing a human being, regardless of its stage of development.


Ms. Hogue, I’m not a religious fanatic or someone who stalks abortion clinics.  I’m just a flawed human just like everyone else; probably more flawed than most.  I do, however, believe with all my heart that killing unborn children is an affront to the will of our Creator and that the consequences for a society that allows this to continue will be commensurate to the evil they perpetrate.


Get used to getting letters from me.  We have a lot to talk about.  In the interest of full disclosure, I’ll be publishing my letters to you in my pro-life blog at prolifepoppop.com. If you choose to reply, I’ll publish your replies as well
