Degrees of Outrage #13

Honor and integrity are very important to me.  I see living a principled life as the best way to be a positive influence on your family and peers.  I also see an American society teeming with uninformed morons, clamoring to be offended by the slightest perceived provocation.  Friday night in Chicago, a group of self-proclaimed speech censors took it upon themselves to deny thousands of Trump supporters the opportunity to hear Mr. Trump speak.  These idiots hide behind the Constitution when it serves their purpose, but deny the same Constitutional right to free speech they claim to be expressing, to anyone they feel should be silenced.

Mr. Trump’s opponents are now claiming that he is responsible for the thugs who incited violence and caused his speech to be cancelled.  That’s not how free speech works.  Whether you agree with Donald Trump or not, he has the right to peaceful assembly and free speech.  If you don’t like his message, don’t listen.  I don’t support Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, but I support their right to free speech. has claimed responsibility for organizing the hostilities Friday night.  Just a reminder, was founded on behalf the Clintons during the late 90’s in an attempt to have the media and the public move on from Bill’s sordid sexual exploits and Hillary’s mulitple ethical challenges.  MoveOn’s modus operandi is to organize low information individuals, most of whom have no idea what they are protesting against, into unruly mobs.

The liberal wackos disrupting Trump’s speeches and inciting violence have taken it upon themselves to decide who gets to speak and who doesn’t.  They’re all for the 1st Amendment until they don’t agree with what you have to say.  Honor and integrity mean nothing to them.  It’s all about them, and nothing else.  These same idiots and organizations think that Roe v Wade created the right for a woman to choose to have her unborn child killed.  They don’t understand that rights can only be granted by God.  When despicable organizations like try to shut someone like Donald Trump down, all they do is guarantee that he will dominate the news cycle.   When they promote organizations like Planned Parenthood and fight for what they call abortion rights, they bask in the blinding light of utter stupidity.

Liberals claim to have all the answers and demand that anyone who doesn’t agree with them be silenced.  They field a corrupt felon and a washed up socialist as their Presidential candidates and are willing to blindly follow them to oblivion if they are elected.  Liberal wackos have the right to express their opinions, however misguided they may be; and I have the right to ignore them and to work for everything they are against.  They support an abortion industry that kills over 3,000 innocent children every day in America and I will continue to fight for every life they don’t think matters.

When liberals win, bad things happen.  When liberals get offended, more often than not, I get amused.  If this expression of my right to free speech offends anyone; so be it.

Degrees of Outrage #10

When I wrote this piece a year ago, #10 in a series titled Degrees of Outrage, Kanye West had just shown the world, one more time, how to be an egotistical, narcissistic, asshole. President Obama had just proclaimed that Climate Change represented the greatest threat to America, and the death toll in America’s abortion mills was adding 3,000 more dead babies every day to the millions they had already killed.
We tend to look at most things in life from the perspective of whether it affects our lives in any way. If thousands of babies are killed every day, and we don’t see them killed or don’t know the people killing them, we tend to focus on our immediate concerns, and assume that someone else will stop the killing.
In an unimaginably immense Universe, all our trials and tribulations take place on a tiny blue speck of matter called earth. A condition of our very existence requires us all to be confined to this tiny planet. Since we have nowhere else to go, doesn’t it make sense that we all take care of each other, respect all our fellow humans’ right to life, and simply try to get along?

Pro Life Pop Pop

It’s winter and the news networks are running around with their hair on fire reporting that it’s snowing.  Days after the Grammys millions of people have finally realized that Kanye West is an idiot.  Our President is calling climate change a bigger threat than ISIS.  I look around and wonder if anyone is still sane; knowing that I can’t be counted as one of the sane ones.  It seems that just about everybody is mad about something but very few of us are willing to do anything about it.

In my country,where over 3,000 innocent children are murdered every day under the socialist Utopian myth of a woman’s right to choose to have her baby killed, most of my fellow Americans live their lives oblivious to the slaughter.  Most of them know that the abortion industry is big business in America, but choose to do nothing to protect unborn children.  They…

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Degrees of Outrage #7

A year ago I wrote piece number 7 in a series titled Degrees of Outrage. A year later we are under increased threat of terrorist attacks and those on the left are still trying to take away our guns. When I wrote this piece the Obama administration had just revealed to the world what we would not do to terrorists. He doesn’t seem to understand that you can’t tell an enemy what you won’t do to him and expect to win a fight.
The San Bernardino terrorist attack confirms that the terrorists are already here and are plotting how to kill us. We can look away, just like we do as thousands of children are aborted every day, or we can face the truth that evil will not go away on its own.
The world is a much more dangerous place since I wrote this a year ago. The danger increases daily as our President reveals his ineptitude and weakness to those who wish to do us harm.
Hopefully, this time next year I’ll be writing about the demise of ISIS and the shuttered doors of Planned Parenthood, and a strong, conservative President will be about to take office.

Pro Life Pop Pop

A country that allows over 1 million of its unborn children to be brutally murdered every year under cover of law is now expressing outrage over the enhanced interrogation techniques that were used on ruthless 9/11 terrorists.  So, we don’t have a problem killing 1 million of our kids every year but we draw the line at splashing a little water in a terrorist’s face or making them feel uncomfortable.  Under Senate Democrats we spent $40 million to generate a 6,700 page report that tells every terrorist in the world what we won’t do to them.  This report, released by Senator Dianne Feinstein, will most likely result in the deaths of foreign intelligence operatives and make any country think twice before assisting us in rooting out terrorism.

As a pro-life advocate, I don’t support violence, but I’m also a realist.  I don’t have a problem with the CIA roughing up a…

View original post 444 more words

Degrees of Outrage #10

It’s winter and the news networks are running around with their hair on fire reporting that it’s snowing.  Days after the Grammys millions of people have finally realized that Kanye West is an idiot.  Our President is calling climate change a bigger threat than ISIS.  I look around and wonder if anyone is still sane; knowing that I can’t be counted as one of the sane ones.  It seems that just about everybody is mad about something but very few of us are willing to do anything about it.

In my country,where over 3,000 innocent children are murdered every day under the socialist Utopian myth of a woman’s right to choose to have her baby killed, most of my fellow Americans live their lives oblivious to the slaughter.  Most of them know that the abortion industry is big business in America, but choose to do nothing to protect unborn children.  They can tell you how many inches of snow will be falling in Boston tomorrow and they know exactly what Kanye West said after the Grammys, but ask them what their opinion is on the legal killing of innocent children, and most of them have none.

Imagine ISIS beheading another human being every 26 seconds. That’s over a million human beings having their lives violently cut short every year.  The entire world would be mobilized against them.  Planned Parenthood and America’s abortion industry kills that many innocent children every year, and in the process receives over half a billion dollars from the U.S. taxpayers.  Liberal politicians and parasitic organizations like NARAL and the NAF fight to make it easier to kill your child, and far too many of us aren’t interested.  Many of us choose to look the other way in the face of evil, in the hope that someone else will do what has to be done.

We’re happy to feign outrage over Kanye’s latest show of cranial rectal insertion, but when it comes to standing up for a righteous cause, count most of us out.  We’ve come to expect no consequences for our actions, while failing to recognize the consequences of our inaction.  We see our individual wants and needs as more important than saving the life of someone we don’t know.  As a society we’ve fallen into the mentality of me, me, me.  If it doesn’t affect me, it’s not important.  I contend that all of us are affected by every innocent life that is cut short.

When it comes right down to it, all we have is each other as we spin around a mediocre star on a tiny blue planet in the midst of an endless universe.  We have a moral obligation to protect one another and to look out for the weakest among us.  At one point, we were all unborn children.  We were allowed to be born and were never guaranteed happiness and success; but we were given our chance.  In a world where there is far too much anger, we need to look at the big picture.  If we feel we have to be mad about something, let’s channel our anger into good works and work to make the tiny planet earth a better place for everyone.


Degrees of Outrage #9

I remember a time when uniformed armies would fight wars as mortal enemies, while having a grudging respect for the courage and bravery of the other side’s combatants.  Both sides, in the midst of war, drew lines as to what they would or wouldn’t do.  They wore their uniforms proudly and had the courage to show their faces, unlike the cowardly terrorists of today.  Man’s inhumanity to man has reached a new low with the actions of ISIS.  A barbaric gang of cowardly thugs, hiding behind masks, and hugging their AK-47s like phallic security blankets is spreading their brand of terror under the guise of religion.  Their interpretation of religion calls for anyone not like them to be brutally murdered.

Just because I’m pro-life doesn’t mean I’m naive.  The only way to defeat an enemy of mankind like ISIS is to eradicate them from the face of the earth.  History is repeating itself.  The world saw what was happening in Nazi Germany and waited far too long to take action.  As a result, millions of innocent human beings were slaughtered.  The same thing is happening in the name of radical Islam and the leader of the free world doesn’t have the courage to even identify the enemy by name.

The immolation of a Jordanian pilot by ISIS thugs has stoked outrage throughout the world.  The question is will anyone do anything other than being mad?  Winston Churchill said “When you’re going through hell, keep going.”  So, what will the civilized world do?  ISIS has declared that they will behead our President in the White House.  Based on their actions to date, I take that as a credible threat.  Like my fellow Americans, I’m reluctant to send our military heroes into battle.  But the reality is, our military is the only fighting force that can rout these cockroaches and dispatch them to the rivers of honey and 72 virgins they long for.

My mission in life is to protect the world’s children.  As long as there is an ISIS in the world, no child is safe.  On most days my battles are with Planned Parenthood and the feckless politicians that provide cover for them as they kill unborn children by the thousands.  Today I see a world exploding in violence and see the tough decisions that have to be made to rid the world of terrorism.  I see an enemy that feeds on depravity and our President doing his best ostrich with head in the sand imitation.

I make no distinction between an innocent child being brutally ripped from its mother’s womb and a sadistic execution by ISIS terrorists. The only distinction is the difference between the perpetrators of these crimes.  The abortion industry can be shut down by legislation and changing the attitudes of its enablers.  Defeating an enemy like ISIS, willing to die for its insane ideology, can only be accomplished by doing everything we can to accommodate them in their desire to be martyrs.

Degrees of Outrage #8

The world is outraged today over the Paris terrorist attack where 3 Islamic thugs murdered 12 French citizens. Heavily armed cowards murdered these people for being intolerant of their religion and publishing caricatures of the prophet Mohammed.  Apparently, their version of tolerance calls for killing anyone who doesn’t agree with them.  Over 3,000 unborn American children were killed in their mothers’ wombs on the day these murders took place.  Tens of thousands of unborn children were killed around the world on the same day.

I view these events from my perspective and mine alone.  I see a world full of outrage over the murders of 12 people and see most of the same world saying nothing as thousands of unborn children are killed every day.  If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.  The brazen, premeditated murders of 12 Parisians was a terrorist attack.  The brazen, premeditated murders of thousands of unborn children was no less a terrorist attack.  An insane ideology that promotes the murder of anyone who disagrees with their insanity is truly insane.  An insane ideology that thrives by claiming that a woman has the right to have her unborn child killed, usually as a matter of convenience, is insanity on steroids.

We’re living in a world where the value of a human life is eroding by the day.  We kill one another over trivial matters and kill our own children in our blind pursuit of avoiding the consequences of our actions.  We allow Planned Parenthood and the abortion mills of the world to convince us that a baby isn’t a living human being until it leaves its mother’s body.  They say it’s not alive, but they have to kill it to make it go away.  The abortion industry knows that shining the light of truth on the practices they engage in will bring about their own demise.

Outrage over the taking of any innocent life is justifiable, but it must be consistent.  The victims of today’s attack in Paris were innocent human beings, simply living their lives.  The victims in the world’s abortion mills today were innocent human beings, simply living their lives.  Every human being on earth is at a different stage of its never ending development than any other human being on earth; whether in the womb or near the end of a long life.  Babies in the womb are no less human than any other human being.  Until we hold every human life as equal to every other human life, we will continue to kill each other.

As I’ve stated in previous pieces on outrage, I view anger as a waste of time and energy unless it is channeled to take positive action to remedy the source of your outrage.  Taking a selfie while holding a placard reading #End Abortion or #Stop Terrorism doesn’t count.  If you believe in your cause, you must be willing to risk everything to bring about the change you seek.  Find your calling, dedicate your self to it, and change the world.

Degrees of Outrage #7

A country that allows over 1 million of its unborn children to be brutally murdered every year under cover of law is now expressing outrage over the enhanced interrogation techniques that were used on ruthless 9/11 terrorists.  So, we don’t have a problem killing 1 million of our kids every year but we draw the line at splashing a little water in a terrorist’s face or making them feel uncomfortable.  Under Senate Democrats we spent $40 million to generate a 6,700 page report that tells every terrorist in the world what we won’t do to them.  This report, released by Senator Dianne Feinstein, will most likely result in the deaths of foreign intelligence operatives and make any country think twice before assisting us in rooting out terrorism.

As a pro-life advocate, I don’t support violence, but I’m also a realist.  I don’t have a problem with the CIA roughing up a handful of terrorists if it helps prevent another attack.  What I do have a problem with is releasing classified information to the world on our means and methods.  I still remember watching as victims at the World Trade Center were forced to make the decision to either jump to their death or burn to death.  The day after 9/11 we were committed as a nation to doing whatever it took to prevent another attack.  Fast forward 13 years, and the politicians who were begging the CIA to do anything they felt they had to in order to prevent another attack, are now throwing them under the bus, in a partisan political move.

The lives of innocent people don’t matter to the left.  It’s all about politics and it’s all about them.  They’re perfectly fine with babies being killed by the thousands every day and sending over half a billion taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood every year.  They don’t have a problem with an airman, sitting at a computer console in America, firing a hell-fire missile from a drone half way around the world and killing a terrorist and everyone else near them.    But slap a terrorist with an open hand, subject them to loud music, or water-board them and it’s torture.

Torture is intentionally killing an unborn, pain-capable baby by ripping it apart with a Sopher clamp.  Torture is a blood-thirsty terrorist beheading an innocent victim in the name of an insane ideology.  Water-boarding 4 terrorists, under constant medical supervision to insure that they aren’t harmed, is not torture.  What would you not do to protect the lives of your loved ones?  If you were the leader of the free world and your country was under attack by murderous thugs what would you take off the table in your efforts to protect your citizens?

Those expressing outrage over the enhanced interrogation techniques that helped prevent another attack on our homeland are stumbling through an ethical minefield of moral equivalency.  They place the principles that our nation stands for on par with the ideology of an enemy dedicated to our destruction.  They claim to be outraged over the harsh treatment of unrepentant killers, while looking the other way as we kill over a million of our own every year.  They compare medically supervised interrogations to torture techniques employed by the enemies of humanity.

We made mistakes after 9/11.  We can do better and we are better than those who wish us harm.  The world will be a better place when the worst thing one man does to another is place him under temporary mental or physical stress in order to save the lives of millions.

Degrees of Outrage #6

It seems like everybody in America is mad.  All you hear from the usual cast of race-baiters like Al Sharpton, who makes his living promoting racism, is that it’s open season on black men in America.  He knows, or should know, that there is no factual basis for his assertion; but facts don’t matter to him and his ilk.  He knows he can say that the police are hunting down and killing black men and that if he yells enough and acts mad enough, a lot of uninformed people will believe him.  He knows he can say the killing of black men by the police has become an out of control epidemic; that racism runs rampant in America’s police departments, and that most of those willing to listen to him won’t look into the voracity of his comments.

If 123 people out of 43,000,000 were killed by a deadly disease over the course of a year would you consider it an out of control epidemic?  Last year 123 black Americans out of a population of 43,000,000 black Americans were killed by police officers; police officers of all races.  From my perspective, if the police are trying to hunt down and kill black Americans, they’re doing a pretty bad job of it.  The numbers I’m citing are real numbers, and easy to confirm.

While Al Sharpton relies on the ignorance of his sycophants to promote himself and his false narrative of the slaughter of black men by police, a real slaughter is taking place every day in America’s abortion mills.   Of the more than 3,000 children killed every day by Planned Parenthood and its colleagues, more than 60% are black.  But you won’t hear a word from the race hustlers because the issue of abortion won’t get them in front of a TV camera.   While they’ll fly all over America to lead protests against alleged crimes that will get their ugly mugs on TV, they choose not to speak about the infanticide that occurs daily.  Stirring up anger and fanning the flames of vengeance is big business for those in the business of promoting outrage.  Taking any substantive action to solve real problems or to save the lives of innocent children is a nonsequitur for clowns like Sharpton.

If you can be stirred to outrage by flimsy evidence and an absence of hard facts, you are part of the problem.  If you are willing to blindly protest something that you know little or nothing about, you are part of the problem.  If you can be lead to civil unrest by a hate spewing knucklehead like Al Sharpton, you’ve got bigger problems than the one he’s trying to promote.

Many Americans have a hair trigger for outrage and a lack of interest in confronting hypocrisy.  They trust the media to provide accurate reporting and would rather accept someone else’s version of the truth over finding their own.  Our nation rises and falls on the waves of the news cycle and far too many of us look the other way as generations of unborn children are murdered in the womb.

If you feel you have to be outraged over something, get mad over evil practices like abortion and become part of the solution.

Degrees of Outrage #5

The flavors of the week for outrage in America are President Obama’s usurpation of the Constitution and the looming grand jury decision in Ferguson, Missouri.  Parties on both sides of both issues are jostling for the greatest degree of apoplectic rage so they can be seen as the gatekeepers of all that is right and just.  Other than pegging the red line on their blood pressure meters with their collective indignation, most of those on both sides have one other thing in common.  They know very little about what they are so mad about and would rather just be mad than informed.

As someone who enjoys reading people, I’m fascinated by how easy it is stir up an uninformed populace and to herd them like lemmings to behave in a manner of one’s choosing.  Just look at who they were convinced to elect as President; twice.  The dumb masses will generally do or think whatever they are nudged into.  They choose to take the path of least resistance and to follow the crowd, most often blissfully ignorant of the consequences of their actions and not even sure why they are taking them.

Bad people and deadly movements read people too.  They know they can incite outrage among the uninformed with phrases like “the war on women” and “a woman’s right to choose.”  They know that they can ply their deadly trade of killing babies for money by convincing the uninformed that abortion is women’s health care and that an unborn baby isn’t a living human being until they say it is.  Planned Parenthood, the world’s largest abortion provider, knows that the righteous outrage of an informed America would cut off the more than $500 million they get every year from the U.S. taxpayers.  They’ve developed very clever marketing strategies to portray the murder and mayhem they inflict on our unborn children as anything but what it actually is.

President Obama’s deliberate overreach of executive authority can be undone.  The opportunistic thugs, looking for a reason to plunder and loot Ferguson, Missouri will soon crawl back under their rocks.  These things are fleeting and will soon pass.  For every child that died today in America’s abortion mills, it’s over.  It can’t be undone and it can’t be made right.  Every unborn child, scheduled to die on Monday, can still be saved.  Instead of venting your outrage on a narcissistic pinhead trying to remain relevant, or a bunch of morons bent on imposing street justice, get mad about the killing of over 3,000 babies every day in America.

In my prior pieces on outrage I’ve opined that expressing outrage without taking positive steps to remedy the source of your anger is a total waste of time.  Unabated outrage, anger, violence, and hatred feed on those expressing these emotions.  They do nothing but dis-empower those wishing to be empowered.   Good works are empowering.  Defending innocent children is empowering.  Standing on principle for something you believe in, regardless of the consequences, will always trump outrage.

Degrees of Outrage #4

As I write this, an announcement is imminent in Ferguson, Missouri as to whether a grand jury will indict Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting of Michael Brown.  Protesters have inexplicably requested a 48 hour advance notice of the grand jury’s decision, apparently so they can plan their ‘spontaneous protests’ when the announcement is made.  Gun sales have skyrocketed as leaks indicate that the grand jury will, in all probability, not indict Officer Wilson.  People in Ferguson are scared.  They’re afraid of more violent protests and looting if the grand jury decides that an indictment is not warranted in this case.

Misguided, collective outrage is a self-perpetuating phenomena.  Most of those expressing outrage are drawn into the collective outrage by their desire to be accepted.  They participate out of their irrational fear of accepting obvious facts for what they are.  They choose to put others at risk rather than standing on principle and speaking out for justice.  As I’ve written previously on the subject of outrage, expressing outrage without the intention of taking positive, nonviolent steps to remedy the object of your anger is a waste of time and energy.  Instead of joining the herd as they channel their frustration through senseless acts of violence and crimes much worse than the object of their outrage, walk your own path with honor and integrity.

In my mission to end abortion I choose to take action instead of expressing outrage.  It would be disingenuous of me to say I don’t feel outrage over the thousands of innocent children killed every day in America’s abortion mills; but I refuse to let outrage consume me.  If you choose to dwell on being mad, all you will get is more anger.  I choose to visualize a world that no longer kills its unborn children and I choose to not stand by and do nothing as the slaughter continues.

Most of the protesters in Ferguson, waiting for an excuse to plunder and loot, could not care less about Michael Brown or seeing justice served.  They just want the opportunity to commit acts that are socially unacceptable and morally wrong while staking a false claim on the moral high ground.  They choose to hide behind a mob mentality because they don’t have the courage to accept the unbiased verdict of a jury of their peers.  Just like Planned Parenthood hides behind the veil of an unjust law as they kill over 300,000 children every year, the protesters in Ferguson, regardless of the grand jury’s decision, will hit the streets and march in mind-numbed lockstep with race hustlers like Al Sharpton, while they provide cover for their faux outrage with stories of racism and injustice.

Protesting an act of violence with another act of violence is illogical.  Violence cannot be undone, but further acts of violence can be prevented by principled actions and good works.  Whether it’s ending the practice of abortion or insuring that justice is blind, outrage and its inevitable downward spiral to violence are never the answer.