Letter to Planned Parenthood #35

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

1110 Vermont Ave.  NW

Suite 300

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Cecile Richards

December 26, 2013

Ms. Richards:

I hope you and your employees at Planned Parenthood had a wonderful Christmas.  I also hope you and all your employees took the time this Holiday season to reflect on what you do for a living and the suffering and death that occurs every day in your clinics.  America’s abortion industry will kill over 1.2 million unborn children before we celebrate another Christmas.  Planned Parenthood will kill over 300,000 of them.  How you and your staff can look your children in the eyes before you go to work every day is beyond my level of understanding.

Ms. Richards, as a businessman I have to forecast how much work I intend to do and how much money I plan to make every year.  Have you prepared your forecast of how many children your organization plans to kill next year?  Does Planned Parenthood give its employees bonuses for exceeding your projected body count?  What metrics, other than body count and the amount of money you manage to fleece the American taxpayers out of, do you use to determine whether you have had a productive year?

Ms. Richards, I believe in going big or not going at all.  I also believe in the power of intention.  I intend to close the doors of Planned Parenthood forever in 2014.  Just in case you’re wondering how I will close you down; I haven’t a clue. I know it will be done without violence, within the law, and with the help of a higher power.  Who knows; maybe the right person will read one of my letters and set a chain of events into motion that none of us can even imagine.  Maybe next year the pro-life movement will reach the critical mass needed to invoke unprecedented changes in our society and a quantum level of understanding of the true value of every human life.  Maybe the 56 million children aborted in America since 1973 will collectively petition our Creator to soften the hearts of the pro-abortion crowd and return our country to a place where every new life is a welcomed addition.  Whatever it takes to end the killing, we need it now.

As I enter my 60th year in a few weeks, I’m paying more attention to what’s really important.  Money, success, and material possessions are all temporal, and of no intrinsic value in the big scheme of things.  How you conduct your life and the impact and impressions you make on the lives of others are what’s really important.  Human life is the most miraculous creation in a timeless and endless Universe and dedicating one’s life to preserving and protecting it is a worthy calling.

Ms. Richards, closing your doors is my life’s mission and I welcome the fight as a happy warrior.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

One thought on “Letter to Planned Parenthood #35

  1. Reblogged this on Pro Life Pop Pop and commented:

    I wrote the following letter to Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards on the day after Christmas, 2 years ago. When I asked in my letter if they gave bonuses to their employees for exceeding their goal of dead babies for the year, I didn’t know that they already did. I still intend to close Planned Parenthood down, and I still haven’t a clue how I will do it.
    The time I spent with my grandsons yesterday was priceless, and every child and grandparent should have a chance to feel the joy and love that I felt. Allowing every unborn child to exercise its God given right to life will be a good start.

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