Hypocrisy #3


This is my third post in a series titled Hypocrisy.  I believe in calling things what they are, without the BS and sanitized, “sounds good” descriptions.  Murder is murder, whether you do it with a gun from the 32nd floor, or whether you do it with the deadly tools of an abortionist in a Planned Parenthood clinic.  My thoughts on the Las Vegas atrocity and the daily massacre by America’s abortion industry follow:


In a predictably Pavlonian response, all the left wing wack jobs are calling for new gun control laws in the wake of the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas.  The same tired argument, “If we can save just one life with new gun control laws, it will be worth it,” has been dragged from the lefty playbook of focus group catch phrases.  The left is willing to take our guns away to arguably save one life, while they rabidly support the murder of thousands of unborn children every day, to satisfy the blood lust of America’s abortion industry.  From where I’m sitting, that is textbook hypocrisy.

Since the Las Vegas shooting, about 25,000 unborn children have been murdered in America, under cover of the fatally flawed Roe v Wade decision.  60 million have died since 1973, and another million will die this year.  Like any sane person, I’m horrified that another human being would murder 58 fellow human beings.  I’m also saddened that the greatest country on earth allows its unborn children to be killed as a matter of convenience.   As I’ve previously written, a society that entertains itself with TV shows, movies, and video games that depict graphic violence, needs to look into the mirror when the violence becomes real.

I don’t claim to have the answers, but it appears to me that when a nation becomes desensitized to violence, it becomes more violent. When you call the murder of an unborn child reproductive health care, it doesn’t sound that bad.  You can call it whatever you want, but when you allow millions of unborn children to be killed, the consequences are inevitable.  Since this is my forum for my opinions, I firmly believe that if you see evil and do nothing, you are complicit with evil.

There is no socially redeeming value to killing babies for money.  In a sane world and a values based society, there would be no place for an organization like Planned Parenthood.  An industry of death should not be a growth industry in a country like America.  Our most important founding principle, the right to life, applies to unborn children just a much as it applies to you and me.  When we collectively come to this realization, we can heal as a nation.