July 24, 2014

As the President prepares to end his marathon fundraising trip for a prolonged vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, I felt it was time to republish a letter I wrote him last August 20.  Not much has changed.  The world is still on fire, he’s totally disengaged, and America’s unborn children are still being killed by the thousands every day.

On the day I mailed this letter my blog had been up and running for 2 days.  I had already written 42 letters to him and I was on pace to publish over 200 letters in my first year.  I’m still writing and most of them are never answered.  That’s OK. I won’t stop, and sooner or later I’ll change one mind or save one child and it will have all been worth it.


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Attn:    President Barack Obama

 August 20, 2013

 Mr. President:

Just a friendly reminder that while you’re living it up on Martha’s Vineyard,  America’s abortion mills are still killing 140 babies an hour, every day, 24/7.  On a completely unrelated subject, Egypt was on fire yesterday while you played golf and John Kerry wind-surfed.  Apparently, you’re just as concerned about world peace as you are about the slaughter of America’s unborn children.  At least you’re consistent in your incompetence.

I wanted to let you know that I’ve launched a blog and that I’m posting all my letters to you on it.  I can’t make any promises, but I might just make you famous.  As the most pro-abortion President in history, you deserve to be recognized for what you stand for.  By the way, I’ll also be publishing any responses I get from you.  So far I’ve received 4. 3 are the exact same letter and I have no idea what you were responding to with the 4th.  Maybe my readers can figure it out.

During yesterday’s round of golf nearly 600 innocent children died in America’s abortion mills.  During cocktail hour at the 19th hole a couple hundred more met their fate.  Mr. President, no matter where you are or what you’re doing, the killing goes on.  You could stop it but you choose not to; and that frustrates me to no end.  Sir, within my frustration at your inaction my commitment to end abortion in America grows stronger.

Mr. President, I don’t begrudge you for your frequent vacations.  You have a tough job.  My issue is with the leader of the free world allowing his county’s unborn children to be slaughtered on a scale that dwarfs any human tragedy in the history of the world.  Sir, countless thousands of hard working Americans will pay taxes for their entire life to cover the more than $500 million that you will allow Planned Parenthood to receive from our government this year alone.  If the U.S. has $500 million a year to spare, why not spend it for the good of our children, not to fund an organization that kills over 300,000 of them every year?

The children who made the cut today and avoided having their fate decided in a Planned Parenthood hellhole will enter a world, courtesy of you and your leftist friends, where human life is no longer held in esteem and treasured over all else.  I won’t rest until every child makes the cut and every abortionist is denied the opportunity to make another one.

Mr. President, 2,500 years ago Buddha said the following: “Certain are the blessings growing out of your good work.”  I shudder to think what you have coming for the body of work you will leave the world.

cc:  Planned Parenthood



I believe with all my heart that hope, without action, will always leave you with nothing but a handful of nothing.  I hope and pray to live to see a world without abortion.  I also know that I can’t just sit by and hope that someone else stands up for the world’s unborn children.  I  write my letters and posts to raise awareness and, quite frankly, to point a finger at those in the business of killing babies for money and those who enable and support them.  I don’t live my life hoping that those who feel that a woman has the right to have her baby killed will magically change their minds and like me.  I really don’t care if they like me.  My one and only goal with my work is to save children.

At my age I can look back and see how much my country and the world has changed in the span of my 60 years.  I’ve learned the hard way that if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.  I’ve watched heroes like Martin Luther King, Jr. give everything for a worthy cause and gained inspiration from their sacrifices.  I’ve seen how one person can change the world and I know in my heart each of us can do the same.  I know that setting a goal, visualizing its achievement, and working every day towards its fruition will lead to your goal.

My hope is that abortion will be a thing of the past in the very near future.  My vision is a world where every unborn child is recognized for what it is; a living human being.  Working to save children is a worthy cause and I know that I will receive help from people I don’t even know.  I know that whatever I have to sacrifice to reach my goal will be worth it.  I know that the One who watches all will be watching over me.  His work must truly be ours and He will guide us toward good.

As goes America, so goes the world.  That’s why I want to end abortion in America first.  I’m annoying China and other international child killers while I fight for America’s unborn children, but I want to clean up my own backyard first.  The thousands of children America’s abortion industry kills every day deserve their chance to make the most of the gift of life they have been given.  By necessity, they have to rely on others to protect them and to fight against those who wish to harm them.   As a country, if we refuse to protect our children, the consequences of our inaction will be severe and deserved.  As individuals, if we fail to take action to protect the unborn, the consequences will be severe and deserved.  Our unborn children don’t know what hope is, but they have none if those of us who can, fail to take action.



July 22, 2014

Last summer Planned Parenthood rolled out their new slogan: “Care. No matter what.’  There was no way I was going to let something as outrageous as the world’s largest baby killer trying to get away with a slogan that even mentioned the word care.  Nothing Planned Parenthood stands for is even remotely related to care. Their lot in life is killing babies for money.

When I wrote this letter I wanted to remind Cecile Richards that nobody is born wanting to kill babies.  Killing your fellow human beings is unnatural and against every moral precept of accepted human behavior.  Accusing anyone who tries to stop the killing of waging a war on women is their ‘go to’ line, even though they are waging the real war as they kill millions of baby girls.

The following letter was signed, sealed, and stamped last July 31, and was sent on its way to one of the most evil organizations in the world.




Planned Parenthood Federation of America

1110 Vermont Ave. NW

Suite 300

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Cecile Richards

 July 31, 2013

Ms. Richards:

Immediately after conception a new life’s DNA is encoded by a universal intelligence that most of us, in one form or another, call God.  Before a child draws its first breath this universal intelligence will have programmed into its DNA what color its hair and eyes will be, how tall it will be, its predisposition to certain illnesses, and even how fast its fingernails will grow.

However, nature leaves it up to us to teach our children to respect life and to protect it at all costs.  No one is conceived with their DNA preprogrammed to make them an abortionist, a mass murderer, or a saint.  These lifestyles and behaviors are learned and chosen, not predetermined; and that’s the double-edged sword of free will.

Ms. Richards, I’m pretty sure you didn’t decide as a little girl that you wanted to grow up to run an organization that would kill millions of innocent children.  You apparently made a conscious decision to hang out with liberal eugenicists and the ‘holier than thou’ crowd who, with their Right to life firmly intact, felt it was incumbent upon them to decide who got to live and who had to die.  While you and your friends in the abortion industry profess to be providing a needed service and protecting the rights of women, all you’re really doing is killing babies for money.

The dirty little secret is that over half the babies Planned Parenthood kills are girls.  So, unless your idea of protecting the rights of women involves killing them before they can be born, I believe you may need to rethink your mission statement.  While you’re rethinking your mission statement you may want to take another swing at your new slogan: “Care. No matter what.”  And while you’re at it you probably need to fire your marketing consultant too.

May I suggest you try truth in advertising?  How about “Kill. No matter when.”  I must admit that for an organization that kills hundreds of thousands of children every year, using a slogan like “Care. No matter what.” is a ballsy move, although according to Roget’s Thesaurus, care is not a synonym for kill.  You are, however spot on with “No matter what.”  Planned Parenthood is willing to kill as many babies as possible, no matter what the majority of Americans want, no matter what suffering you inflict upon millions of children, and no matter what it takes to increase your bottom line.

Ms. Richards, no child that is allowed to be born will grow up wanting to kill children for a living.  There is no justification for what you and Planned Parenthood do, and you will ultimately be held accountable for your actions.  I honestly believe that you know this somewhere deep inside.  Look into your heart and decide that you will care; no matter what.



Letter to Planned Parenthood #48

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

1110 Vermont Ave.  NW

Suite 300

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Cecile Richards

 July 21, 2014

Ms. Richards:

Sundays and Mondays are the hardest days of the week for me.  On Sundays I can’t help thinking about the thousands of innocent children spending their last day alive in America.  On Monday, as I begin my work week, I know the folks at Planned Parenthood and America’s abortion mills are also beginning theirs. The killing will go on all day and all week, and who knows when it will finally stop?

Like most of my fellow Americans, I make my living doing something that harms no one.  The workers in the abortion industry make their living off the suffering and death of unborn children.  You promote your industry of death as a woman’s health care service while the whole world knows what you do to make your money.  It’s a poorly kept secret that the revenue you generate from killing babies is your main source of income; that and the half billion dollars a year you get from the U.S. taxpayers.

What I think I’ll never understand is how an industry like yours that subsists solely on the death of innocent children, can lobby for the right to kill even more.  You say you’re defending a woman’s right to choose, but all you really want is to kill her baby for money.  You fight any and all attempts to place restrictions on how many babies you can kill and at what point in a child’s life it should be protected from your brutal practices.

Ms. Richards, I’m sickened every time I drive by my local Planned Parenthood clinic.  When I drive through the parking lot I can see the vacant stares of the women entering the building.  I can sense a cloud of death hovering over the building and I mourn the pain and suffering that goes on behind their doors.  I’m determined to run your organization out of my town and I’m just as determined to put you out of business.

Children should not be killed in their mother’s womb in America or anywhere else in the world.  Businesses like yours, who kill babies for money, should be outlawed.  In honor of my children and grandchildren I’ve made a promise to God that I will spend the rest of my life, if necessary, to end abortion.  I will do so in a non-violent manner, although with extreme prejudice, against those willing to kill babies for money.  I will do so with no ambition for personal gain and with nothing other than saving the lives of innocent children as my goal.  Your cooperation by closing immediately would be greatly appreciated.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

cc: Planned Parenthood

Salisbury, Md.


Letter to President Obama #90

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Attn:    President Barack Obama

 July 20, 2014

 Mr. President:

I don’t begrudge the President of the United States taking vacation time.  It’s a tough job.  Since you became President, the American taxpayers have shelled out over $44 million for your vacations.  Maybe it’s time you dialed back on the Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaiian vacations and spent a little more time at Camp David.

Mr. President, if anybody deserves a vacation; it’s the workers at Planned Parenthood and the rest of America’s abortion industry.  They’ve been working hard since 1973, killing over 56 million unborn children.  They’ve gotten used to the pain, suffering, and death they inflict upon innocent children every day, and it’s about time they took a break.  Maybe some time off to reflect about what they do for a living will help bring an end to nearly 1 out of every 3 unborn children dying as a result of abortion.

In a little over a week I’ll be going on vacation.   I’m determined to relax and have a good time but I know in the back of my mind I’ll be thinking about the fate of the world’s unborn children every minute of every day.  I’ll be unplugged for a week and won’t be able to pester you and everyone else on the pro-choice, pro-abortion side of the most important thing in my life.  Don’t fret though, I’ll be reengaging as soon as I’m back.

Mr. President, I’m committed to fighting for the world’s unborn children for as long as my efforts are needed.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a President who was committed to anything other than fundraising and implementing policies that accelerate the downfall of the greatest nation on earth?  How high could America soar if we returned to a time when a third of all our unborn children weren’t at risk of being killed in the womb by Planned Parenthood and its evil cohorts?

Mr. President, living the high life with your fancy vacations on the backs of hard-working Americans sends the wrong signal to America and the world.  Glad-handing and fundraising while the world burns shows a President who is disengaged and unwilling to make the hard choices that must be made.  Allowing the most vulnerable of your citizens, our unborn children, to be killed by the thousands every day shows a President who has no regard for the most sacred of all our divinely endowed Rights, the Right to life.

America cannot and will not remain the world’s last best hope as long as our laws sanction the elective killing of our unborn children.  Our decline to mediocrity will accelerate as the body count of our dead children grows.  You could stop this tomorrow, but that would involve a missed tee time and you having to make a principled decision.  I think we all know where your priorities are.  Fore!

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.


cc:  Planned Parenthood


Letter to Salisbury Planned Parenthood #8

Planned Parenthood

1506 South Salisbury Blvd.

Court Plaza Shopping Center

Salisbury, Md.  21801

July 18, 2014

To Whom it May Concern:

By the looks of your full parking lot, business was good today at the Salisbury, Md. Planned Parenthood office.  Unfortunately, when business is good for you, babies are dying.  Just outside your doors life goes on, while tiny lives are ending just a few feet away.  Today was a beautiful, sunny day in Salisbury, Md.  The innocent children you killed today will never have the experience of enjoying such a day.

Your main office is fighting hard against laws that place restrictions or bans on killing children for money.  After all, if Planned Parenthood can’t kill kids, they’re out of business.  Think about that.  The only way your employer can stay in business is by killing innocent children for money.  The only way you can get paid is by being complicit in their crimes against humanity.  Like it or not, your income is nothing more than blood money; blood money earned from the suffering and death of children just trying to be born.

Taking a human life for nothing other than money is an abomination by any rational standard of human behavior and morality.  Allowing this practice to continue and choosing to do nothing to stop it is equally abominable.  Standing idly by as millions of children are killed every year is something I will never do.  Far too many of my fellow Americans feel that if it doesn’t affect their lives it’s none of their business.

Every child killed today by Planned Parenthood and its colleagues in the abortion industry had a mother and a father.  Every child killed today was granted its animating spark of life by the same One who granted each of us the same gift.  He granted each of them the gift of life for reasons none of us can fully comprehend.  He alone knows the reason, and that’s good enough for me.  Faith in a higher power breeds clarity of thought.  That clarity tells me that every child must be loved and protected from the moment of conception.

Killing children as a matter of convenience is not logical.  Killing children as a matter of convenience is morally reprehensible.  Killing children as a matter of convenience goes against our Creator’s wishes that every life He creates be allowed to grow and flourish.  As a society, we allow the killing to continue at our own peril.  As individuals, we allow the killing to continue and do nothing to stop it at our own peril.

Whether I succeed or fail at this endeavor is out of my hands.  Whether I continue to fight is.  As long as I am breathing or until the killing stops, I will fight on.

All my letters are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.



Letter to President Obama #88

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Attn:    President Barack Obama

 July 17, 2014

 Mr. President:

The world is becoming more unstable every day.  Today a passenger jet is shot down over Ukraine, Israel is at war, and our Dept. of Defense is handing out pink slips to our military heroes as they fight for our way of life in Afghanistan.  Unaccompanied children are flooding across our border after being encouraged to do so by your administration.  And, of course, while all this is going down you’re attending 2 fundraisers.

The world expresses outrage today over the 295 innocent people killed on the downed Malaysian airliner.  Tens of thousands of innocent children were killed today in the world’s abortion mills and no time is spent on the evening news reporting the carnage.  Dead babies don’t generate headlines unless they are killed after they are born.  Planned Parenthood and America’s abortion mills killed over 3,000 children today and my tax dollars were used to pay the killers.

America is FUBAR (look it up) and you don’t seem to give a damn.  As a matter of fact, a lot of what’s wrong with the country I love seems to have been intentionally made so by you and those of your political persuasion.  Your side fosters a culture of death where nearly 1 out of 3 unborn children in America meets an untimely death at the hands of an abortionist.  Your side panders to Planned Parenthood and works to stifle legislation designed to make it harder to operate a business that kills babies for money.

You characterize allowing unborn children to be born, as nature intended, as a war on women.  You repeat ad nauseam that abortion should be safe, rare, and legal; knowing all the while that it is neither safe nor rare, nor should be legal.  Mr. President, when you are able to take a break from fundraising, may I suggest that you reexamine your priorities?

America is in dire need of principled leadership.  We need to return to our founding principles where the Right to life was priority number one.  We need to return to a time when we can trust our elected officials and feel secure that they are looking out for our best interests.  Mr. President, nothing you have done during your tenure as President has been for the good of America, especially its children.  As much as I would like to believe that the mess you have made is simply a result of you being utterly incompetent, it’s becoming more and more obvious that you know exactly what you’re doing.

With all due respect, you are of no concern to me.  I care about our children and I care about protecting them from the moment of conception.  You’ll be nothing but a bad memory soon enough.  The fruits of your zealotry will take a bit longer to put behind us.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

cc:  Planned Parenthood


July 15, 2014

On the evening of July 17 last year I punched in for another night of writing letters in pursuit of my goal of ending abortion.  At the time, Harry Reid was signaling that he was considering allowing a vote on The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  Since then he has changed his mind.  I was still on track last July to write one letter a day to the President on behalf of the pro-life movement.  Not long after this letter, I decided to branch out and write to all the key players in the ongoing slaughter of the world’s children.

Most of the ideas for my letters come from my perspective as a father and grandfather.  I think about the emptiness in my life had my children and grandchildren never been born, and the words come pouring out.  I was frustrated with the President when I wrote the following letter.  For a man who has shown nothing but contempt for the Constitution, he chooses to hide behind it with his flailing attempts to justify his opposition to a bill designed to save the lives of innocent children.

Since I wrote this letter, States have passed dozens of bills restricting abortion.  We are winning the battles and my hope is that the war will be won in the near future.



The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Attn:    President Barack Obama

 July 17, 2013

Mr. President:

The letters I am writing to you and members of the abortion industry are inspired by the love I feel for my 2 year old grandson.  As parents and grandparents we are entrusted with the sacred duty to care for and protect our children and grandchildren.  Sir, this duty applies to our unborn children and grandchildren too.

Last night my daughter purchased a flotation device and water wings for my grandson in preparation for a pool party he is attending this weekend.  She didn’t do this while thinking about a sacred trust or moral obligation of any sort. She did it out of love for her child and her desire to make sure he is safe.  Mr. President, the natural instinct to love and protect our children is in all of us.  Unfortunately, you, the pro-abortion crowd, and abortion mills such as Planned Parenthood have suppressed this instinct in favor of political expediency and money.

Mr. President, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, of all people, has signaled that he may be receptive to allowing a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  Getting this bill through a left-leaning, pro-abortion Senate will be a very heavy lift unless you weigh in on the side of life.  You recently said you would veto this bill if it passed because “it shows contempt for women’s’ health and rights, the role doctors play in their patients’ health care decisions, and the Constitution.”  Sir, with all due respect, this has to be one the most asinine and incomprehensible statements you have ever made; and trust me, the list to choose from is quite long.

Where to begin?  How does a bill designed to protect fully developed babies from a horrific death and women from unsafe medical procedures show contempt for women’s health and rights?  How does the requirement that doctors performing abortions have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion clinic show contempt for women’s health?  How does protecting the lives of unborn babies and their mothers show contempt for the Constitution?

Since I’m batting a thousand on not getting replies to my letters I won’t hold my breath waiting for your reply to this one.  Hopefully, your interns or some low level staffer charged with reading your mail will see something in one of my letters that moves them to the pro-life side of the aisle.

In the words of Dante, “There’s a special place in hell for those who in times of moral crisis choose to do nothing.”  Mr. President, when comes to protecting our Nation’s unborn children, you have chosen to do nothing.

cc: Planned Parenthood


Letter to Planned Parenthood #47

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

1110 Vermont Ave.  NW

Suite 300

Washington, D.C.  20005

Attn:    Cecile Richards

 July 14, 2014

 Ms. Richards:

The ongoing humanitarian disaster at our southern border is a national tragedy.  The daily slaughter of innocent children in your abortion mills is, in all probability, the worst human disaster in the history of the world.  One can only wonder how many of the desperate little girls now flooding across our border will eventually become clients of your evil empire.  The chaos currently playing out in our border states was instigated by your friends in the White House.  Like you, pain and suffering is of no consequence to them as long as it leads to what they want.

For a few hundred dollars your organization will kill an unborn child on demand, with no regard for its Right to life or the health of its mother.  It’s all about the numbers for Planned Parenthood.  It’s how many babies you can kill and how much money you can get for doing it.  Nothing else matters.  Your business plan is a zero sum game and will eventually collapse under its fatally flawed premise and the weight of your collective immorality.  Until then, millions more innocent children will be doomed to die just as their lives are beginning.

An organization such as yours, founded by a racist eugenicist, is a blight on all of humanity.  Nothing you do serves the greater good or your fellow man.  Killing children for money is an affront to any civilized standard of human behavior; yet your doors will swing open tomorrow morning and the killing will resume.  Ms. Richards, why, in your mind, does an innocent child deserve to die?  Why were you and I allowed to be born and why should any other child be afforded any less consideration?

As I’ve stated many times before, The Universe has a perfect accounting system, and your account is way overdrawn.  The world’s children have paid a heavy price for your crimes against humanity, and you will pay a heavy price when your day of reckoning comes.  I wish you know harm, and I sincerely hope that you reach an awakening and realize the error of your ways before it’s too late.  You have to know somewhere in your heart that the work you do will eventually result in your undoing.  Spending one’s days killing children and fighting to be able to kill even more cannot, under any scenario, end well for Planned Parenthood and its enablers.

Ms. Richards, I’ll continue to ask you to stop killing children and I promise you I will never give up.  The world’s children deserve no less.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

cc: Planned Parenthood                                                                                   ,

Salisbury, Md.


Letter to President Obama #87

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.  20500

Attn:    President Barack Obama

 July 13, 2014

 Mr. President:

As much as you want to deny it, the current immigration crisis on our southern border was manufactured by your administration.  You put the word out in Central America that if unaccompanied children could make it across the U.S. border, they could stay.  The fact that this would subject tens of thousands of children to rape, abuse, and even death was of no consequence to you.  All you wanted to do was overwhelm our Border Patrol and try to pressure Congress into passing your fatally flawed immigration reform policy.

In your sick mind, human suffering and death are merely collateral damage if it helps promote your naïve, amateurish policies.  As I’ve previously written, you said exactly what you were going to do to America back in 2008.  You made it very clear that your plan was to “fundamentally change America.”  As America’s first ‘American Idol’ President, you’ve shown the world that an uninformed electorate will fall for just about anything as long as it is presented by a slick talker, even if the slick talker has never managed anything even as complicated as a front yard lemonade stand.

This same modus operandi is used by Planned Parenthood and the rest of your friends in America’s abortion industry.  Instead of saying they kill children for money; they call it women’s reproductive health care, a woman’s right to choose, and abortion care.  They propagate the myth of safe abortions when everybody knows that every abortion is performed with the expressed intent of killing a living human being every time.

Mr. President, those who support and endorse Planned Parenthood and America’s abortion industry are just as guilty as the killers themselves.  Politicians like you who put thousands of desperate children in harm’s way just to promote a political agenda are just as guilty as the coyotes and drug dealers their families pay to get them to our border.  The human suffering and death going on at our southern border is on you.

While thousands of unaccompanied children stream across our border every day, thousands of unborn children are dying every day in our abortion mills.  While we set up Welcome Centers and provide medical care and food for the children coming across our border, no such welcome is given to the over 3,000 babies killed every day on this side of our border.

Mr. President, your willingness to spend billions of dollars to care for these children you lured across the border under false pretences, while you spend hundreds of millions to allow our own to be killed, speaks volumes.   As a citizen of the greatest country on earth, I’m ashamed of my President and most of the 535 members of Congress who swore an oath to preserve and protect the values we hold dear.  We can do better.  We must do better.

As always, my letters to you are published on my pro-life blog at www.prolifepoppop.com.  Write back and I’ll publish it, unedited.

cc:  Planned Parenthood