Nothing Changes

NEWS FLASH:  Planned Parenthood has announced that they will no longer sell the body parts of the babies they kill. Instead of selling the body parts, they will donate them.  In the minds of Cecile Richards and the pro-abortion crowd this is a monumental policy shift and an altruistic move to correct an egregious practice.  What they don’t seem to understand is that the body parts they will now donate instead of sell, still come from the dead bodies of the babies they kill.  So nothing changes.  Entering a Planned Parenthood clinic is still the leading cause of death for unborn children in America.

Trying to justify the logic of killing babies so you can harvest tissue from their bodies for medical research makes no sense.  Killing another baby every 90 seconds is a multi-billion dollar business for Planned Parenthood.  Donating the body parts of dead babies is nothing more than a perverse PR move on the part Planned Parenthood in an attempt to recover what they feel is an image of legitimacy as a health care provider.  When Planned Parenthood stops killing babies and focuses on health care they will become legitimate.  Until then, they’re nothing more than an abortion mill that also provides some services that you can get at thousands of other providers.

No amount of cleverly worded statements can paint Planned Parenthood as anything but the evil organization it is. Nothing changes until they do.  Industries that rely on fetal tissue from dead babies are no better than the abortion mills that kill children so they can supply the tissue.  Am I missing something in a business plan that relies on human beings being killed so research can be conducted to possibly save human beings?  Abortion will end when the demand for it ends.  The same fate awaits the cottage industries that thrive due to the pain and suffering of unborn children.

Nothing changes in America until attitudes change on the sanctity of every human life.  Expressing outrage over videos of Planned Parenthood bargaining over the price of dead baby parts means nothing if the we don’t address the practice that supplies the dead baby parts.  Nothing changes in a society that allows unborn children to be killed by the millions until we stop allowing unborn children to be killed by the millions.

We tend to live our lives in blissful ignorance; many of us knowing that thousands of unborn children are killed every day in America, and most of us choosing to do nothing to stop it.  Einstein said “Nothing happens until something moves.”  I’ll take it a step further in saying nothing changes until we do.