
As I’ve noted before, I make it a point to follow the likes of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and NAF on Twitter.  That way, I can keep track of the lies and misinformation they are spreading and call them out in a public forum.  Today I commented on tweets from Planned Parenthood and NARAL and was immediately engaged in a war of words with a clueless pro-abortion lemming with the Twitter handle @IcedFrenzy.

I can only assume from her grammar and writing style that @IcedFrenzy, otherwise known as Alexa, is a young lady with no idea when a human life begins and what the consequences are of ending one by abortion.  She insisted that an unborn child is not a child, but simply a clump of cells.  Her definition of a living child is a newborn taking its first breath.  Unfortunately, Alexa’s attitudes on the sanctity of human life are shared by millions of Americans who are just as clueless as she is.

I invited her to read my blog and learn something, although I doubt she ever will.  She told me to read a biology book. People like @IcedFrenzy are who I’m trying to reach with my work.  Changing the hearts and minds of the Alexas of the world is the only way to end the killing of our unborn children.

I hope she remembers our conversation and I hope that somewhere deep inside her heart I made an impression.  Alexa tried to convince me that abortion is a safe procedure, and took offense when I pointed out that a procedure specifically designed to kill a human being is anything but safe.  As much as we may not want to hear it, speaking the truth will always shine the light on lies and deception.  @IcedFrenzy has drunk the Kool-Aid of the pro-abortion crowd.  Her last tweet to me was “bodily autonomy is very much real. my rights override every single right a fetus has. every. single. one.”

This poor, clueless, individual has no idea that bodily autonomy is a two way street.  The unborn child living temporarily in a woman’s body is also an autonomous human being; a universally unique, separate, living, human being.

If Alexa happens to read this, I invite her to reengage in our conversation.  I may not bring her to the pro-life side, but as long as we are talking there’s a chance.